WHHUUUTT? A blanket fort competition? Yes, you read that right.
RavenCon is proud to be part of the Ultimate Blanket Fort Competition tour. The winner of the competition will get invited to the National Championships in 2026, hosted at ConVivial in Williamsburg, VA. Additional prizes are awarded for first, second and third.
Contestants have 45 minutes to construct the coolest blanket fort they can imagine. It is solely BYOB- Bring Your Own Blanket, but you can bring all the sheets, pillows, blankets, lincoln logs, fairy lights, stuffed animals, or really anything you want to bring to help you construct the coolest fort. Points for originality, lighting, design, and theme. There is no age restriction! Adults and children are encourged to apply! Bribery of the judges is allowed (and encouraged), but you do have to follow the rules.
Want in on the fun? We know you do! A limited number of spots available, enter HERE.

Bribery Rules
In the spirit of fun and creativity, participants are encouraged to “bribe” the judges, but only in the most whimsical and imaginative ways possible. Acceptable bribes include homemade cookies (perhaps shaped like miniature forts), candy, crafting an story of an epic battle that took place in your fort, or presenting a tiny flag to claim your fort as an independent territory seeking diplomatic recognition. Judges will accept these playful bribes in exchange for humorous, non-competitive advantages, such as a lighthearted critique of your fort’s design or a whimsical suggestion to enhance its coziness. Remember, the real currency here is creativity and humor; the most inventive and amusing “bribes” will be rewarded with smiles, laughter, and potentially a special judges’ choice award.
Let the merriment commence and may the most imaginative fort engineers win!