Apply Here
Interested in hosting a party? We’ll help make sure it goes perfectly, we just need a little information first. Please be sure that you have already made your reservation and that you have your confirmation number, and then fill out the Party Notification Form.
We will do our best to accommodate all parties and their specific needs, but we cannot make any guarantees.
In order to create a more festive party atmosphere, better flow between the various parties, and reduce (or even eliminate!) noise complaints, we are requiring all parties to register in advance and be in the Party Block. Being in a Party Room also ensures that if the hotel receives any complaints regarding your party, they will contact the convention first.
Parties outside of the block will be shut down by hotel security or the convention.
Party hosts are responsible for adhering to convention policies, hotel rules, and local, state, and federal laws.
You can also find our party rules and information about the RavenConnie Award for excellence in partying right here.