Category: Fan Guest

Carol Cowles

Carol has long been a fixture of geek culture in Charlotte, NC. She has served for several years as the Programming Director for ConCarolinas and worked the Carolina and Arizona Renaissance Festivals for fifteen years. She also podcasts—she is Carol the Cat on Guardians of the Geekery and Two Woke Bonnets, The Cinemistress and one half of Refried Scenes on Geek Radio Daily. When she is not podcasting she is reading, writing, or crafting. If you have trouble locating her, check your local cineplex, as movie theaters are her second home. Her fandoms include all things Tolkien, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Star Wars and tea—lots of tea.

You can find her on the interwebs at,, and

Jett Dixon

Jett has been attending and assisting at conventions for over a decade. Apple of Your Eye Cosplay is Jett’s Facebook page for all things cosplay, showing off her thrift- and scrounge-style of work. She modifies pieces she’s found in stores to fit her cosplay goals. Her favorite styles of cosplay are from Star Trek, Marvel, cartoons, and musicals.

Raised on a steady diet of ’80s and ’90s sci-fi, Jett adores all things Star Trek, enjoys Star Wars, X-Files, and Firefly, and watches way too much anime. She has family ties to NASA and the Goddard Space Flight Center. A solid gamer girl, she’s spent hours in World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV, Pokémon Go, and multiple Animal Crossing games.

Tera Fulbright

In Tera’s world, she is dedicated to driving stronger engagement at her place of work, creates innovative programming for SF conventions—including her own (ConGregate), and writes short stories that tug on the emotional heartstrings of her readers.

With over twenty years of event planning experience, Tera Fulbright uses that knowledge to create new and different programming at ConGregate—a convention for the fans, by the fans. Outside of fandom, as a SHRM-CP and PHR certified human resources professional, she works at the Center for Creative Leadership as a Total Rewards Administrator.

She is also the author of several short stories including her first, “History in the Making,” published in the anthology Rum & Runestones in 2010. Her stories have continued to be published in various other anthologies, including Athena’s Daughters and three Tales of Fortannis anthologies. Her last story, “A Charming Encounter,” was published in Tales of Fortannis: A Bard Act to Follow.

When not writing, working or running cons, you can find Tera with her family and friends playing Pathfinder, coming up with a new costume idea or curled up with a good book.

Ghostbusters: Don’t Make Me Laugh

It’s a rookie Ghostbuster’s first job—can he show his surly teammate he has what it takes to catch a pesky poltergeist? Ghostbusters: Don’t Make Me Laugh is a fan film created by the members of the real Ghostbusters, Virginia.

Sean Gleeson

Sean is a fan of film and television of all types, but especially horror and sci-fi of all types. He is one of the hosts of the Doctor Who’s That? podcast (currently on hiatus for health reasons), as the “Expert Host” on the show.

Sean lives alone in a dusty apartment, surrounded by movies, books, and memorabilia. His cat, Spock, silently judges him, unless it’s feeding time; then Spock loudly and bitingly judges him.

Frank “Uncle Grayhawk” Huminski

Uncle Grayhawk originally hails from south-central New Jersey (not far from Philly) and is a former professional theater technician who now makes a living as a senior Windows admin for a secret branch of the federal government that resides within the walls of NOAA.

Or something like that.

More than forty years ago, Uncle Grayhawk opened a Christmas present to find a blue and white box sporting a picture of a dragon, bearing the title of “Dungeons & Dragons”. This jump-started a long time love affair with TTRPGs, with much of his time spent in the DM’s chair. In the early 90s, he was introduced to fan conventions and began volunteering, mostly in the realms of gaming, Security/Public Safety, and Operations.

Now, nearly three decades later, Uncle Grayhawk has served on the demo teams for several game companies, helped run more conventions than he cares to remember, amassed what can only be described as a ridiculous number of board games and TTRPGs, and acquired an equally absurd repertoire of stories that he uses to entertain and educate. He has contributed to a few RPG supplements, playtested several board games, and dabbled in podcasting. He holds a BA in Communications & Theater Arts from McDaniel College, is the parent of two adult geeks, and runs a weekly online D&D game.

You can find his ramblings on the web here:

Weavers Circle

Weavers Circle imagines a world where everyone feels meaningfully connected. We strive towards this world by gathering around curious, compassionate, and courageous stories. At RavenCon we’re excited to explore how stories impact our lives. Terreal, our visionary founder and blerd, is eager to discuss the emerging subgenre of Solarpunk or GMing tabletop role-playing games. While Courtney, macro social worker and book club host, is wondering how others define visionary fiction or if anyone else reads Stuart Turton. Let’s “Play with Stories” together!

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