Category: Publishing Guest

James E. Deeley

Jim Deeley is the founder and lead writer at Apotheosis Games & Publishing and also publishes his own work under the impression of Apotheosis Adventures. A passionate fan of fantasy, science fiction, and history since his early boyhood days climbing castle towers all across England, Jim’s life was forever changed one fateful autumn night in 2000 when he was invited to join a game of Vampire: the Masquerade at his local comic book shop; over the 20+ years since then, he has been trying to run the perfect role-playing campaign. While Jim hasn’t managed that yet, he has developed a series of panels on writing and running tabletop RPGs that he is working on turning into at least one book if not a series. Jim has also written for a number of game publishers both great and small, and has recently quit his second job to become a full-time professional Game Master, running games almost every night of the week—doing what he loves and getting paid for it! Jim Deeley holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Christopher Newport University with a minor in Theatre Arts, with graduate work completed in International Studies at Old Dominion University, all of which informs his writing. When he’s not working for The Man by day and Living the Dream by night, Jim enjoys reading and writing fantasy and historical fiction, video games, comic books, bad sci-fi and fantasy movies, anime, hacking/slashing/shooting arrows at stuff in the backyard and attending comic book conventions, Highland Games, Renaissance Faires, and Pirate Festivals with his beloved, equally nerdy wife—in full kit, of course.

You can follow all the things Jim is up to at

Jason T. Graves

Jason is a writer of words, a doodler of drawings, and fixer of other peoples’ words and doodles. Many years ago, he founded Prospective Press. Before that, he slogged through University and earned a Master of Science degree in the Arcana of Genetics. Oh, and he was once punched—lightly—by Muhammad Ali. You should ask him about that last one, because no one ever does.

Sean CW Korsgaard

Sean CW Korsgaard is a U.S. Army veteran, award-winning freelance journalist, author, editor, and publicist who has worked with Analog Science Fiction & Fact, Baen Books, and Writers of the Future, and recently became the editor of Anvil and Battleborn magazines. His first anthology, Worlds Long Lost, was released in December 2022, as was his debut short story, “Black Box.” He lives in Richmond, VA with his wife and child, along with, depending on who you ask, either far too many or far too few books.

Gray Rinehart

Gray Rinehart is a writer, an editor, a singer/songwriter, and a retired Air Force officer. He is the only person to have commanded a USAF satellite tracking station, written speeches for Presidential appointees, devised a poetic form, and had music on The Dr. Demento Show. He is currently a contributing editor (the “Slushmaster General”) for Baen Books.

Gray writes science fiction and fantasy stories, among which is the lunar colonization novel Walking on the Sea of Clouds. His short fiction has appeared in Analog Science Fiction & Fact, Asimov’s Science Fiction, Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show, and multiple anthologies. He has also written an eclectic mix of nonfiction books: A Church More Like Christ; Elements of War; and, Quality Education. In addition, he has written and released three albums which feature science-fiction-and-fantasy-inspired music; the most recent is Taking You Out to See the Stars.

During his unusual Air Force career, Gray fought rocket propellant fires, refurbished space launch facilities, “flew” Milstar communications satellites, drove trucks, encrypted nuclear command and control orders, commanded the largest remote tracking station in the Air Force Satellite Control Network, and did other interesting space-related things.

Gray’s alter ego is the Gray Man, one of several famed ghosts of South Carolina’s Grand Strand. His website is

Amber Rodenbo

Amber Rodenbo is one of the founders of River City Siren Press, a small-press/indie publishing company situated in the Richmond, VA area. Amber is a published author with an M.F.A. in Creative Writing and a career background in teaching young writers, literary magazine editing, technical editing, and creative design. Amber is also a book cover designer, book formatter, and overall lover of all things books and publishing related.

Ian Randal Strock

Ian Randal Strock ( is the editor and publisher of Fantastic Books ( He formerly edited Artemis Magazine, and served on the editorial staffs of Analog, Asimov’s, Baen Books, Science Fiction Chronicle, and many more. As a writer, his fiction has appeared in Analog, Nature, several anthologies, and much of it was recently collected in Wandering Through Time. He won two AnLab Awards for his work in Analog, and was named the 2025 recipient of the Edward E. Smith Memorial “Skylark” Award.

Martin Wilsey

Martin Wilsey is a full-time author and creator of the bestselling, Solstice 31 Saga.

Mr. Wilsey’s first novel, Still Falling, was published March 31st of 2015. Less than three years and over a half-a-million published words later, he retired from his career as a research scientist for a government-funded think tank. As a full-time science fiction writer, Mr. Wilsey still uses his research and whiteboard skills to keep the books flowing. He likes to put the science back into science fiction.

Mr. Wilsey is also the founder and CEO of Tannhäuser Press, a small press and collaborative environment that was explicitly created by writers for writers.

As a prolific blogger, Martin shares what he has learned on his journey as an indie published author. On his blog, he writes a weekly webcomic and shares his inspirations and views on life. In addition to writing, he has begun to expand efforts into publishing through Tannhäuser Press, audio narration, and podcasting.

Mr. Wilsey has more projects than he has time. Please feel free to email him and distract him even more.

He and his wife Brenda live in Virginia with their cats Brandy and Bailey, and his dog Whiskey.

Email him or follow him on Social Media!

He just might kill you in his next novel…

Leona R. Wisoker

Leona R. Wisoker writes a variety of speculative fiction, from experimental to horror, from fantasy to science fiction. She also loves to edit (her own and other people’s work), read, and drink good coffee and better whiskey. In her less-than-abundant spare time, she is a wild garden warrior, an adventurous cook, and a champion catnapper, especially if sunbeams are available.

Leona’s novel, Lies of Stone, is a finalist for this year’s Webster Award.

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