David Simms now lives in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia with his family after escaping decades of New Jersey and Massachusetts. A psychology teacher and college professor, counselor, music therapist, and ghost tour guide, he has survived a long tenure in the Slushpile band on lead guitar after co-founding the Killer Thriller Band with several best-selling ITW, SFWA, and HWA authors. He gives workshops on using music to help students of all ages to learn and de-stress, getting teens to write, and combating burnout for teachers in schools.
His novels include Pierce the Veil (thriller), Fear the Reaper (historical thriller) Ameri-Scares: New Jersey – Curse of the Barrens (middle grade horror), Dark Muse (YA/MG dark fantasy) all through Crossroads Press. His latest release is an entry into the Cemetery Dance anthology You’re Not Alone in the Dark (a collection of author’s struggles with mental health).
Finally, when he wishes to escape the world, he reads and reviews books for Cemetery Dance Magazine, Monster Librarian, and Publishers Weekly.