Uncle Grayhawk originally hails from south-central New Jersey (not far from Philly) and is a former professional theater technician who now makes a living as a senior Windows admin for a secret branch of the federal government that resides within the walls of NOAA.

Or something like that.

More than forty years ago, Uncle Grayhawk opened a Christmas present to find a blue and white box sporting a picture of a dragon, bearing the title of “Dungeons & Dragons”. This jump-started a long time love affair with TTRPGs, with much of his time spent in the DM’s chair. In the early 90s, he was introduced to fan conventions and began volunteering, mostly in the realms of gaming, Security/Public Safety, and Operations.

Now, nearly three decades later, Uncle Grayhawk has served on the demo teams for several game companies, helped run more conventions than he cares to remember, amassed what can only be described as a ridiculous number of board games and TTRPGs, and acquired an equally absurd repertoire of stories that he uses to entertain and educate. He has contributed to a few RPG supplements, playtested several board games, and dabbled in podcasting. He holds a BA in Communications & Theater Arts from McDaniel College, is the parent of two adult geeks, and runs a weekly online D&D game.

You can find his ramblings on the web here: linktr.ee/unclegrayhawk.