Tag: Geek Radio Daily

Carol Cowles

Carol has long been a fixture of geek culture in Charlotte, NC. She has served for several years as the Programming Director for ConCarolinas and worked the Carolina and Arizona Renaissance Festivals for fifteen years. She also podcasts—she is Carol the Cat on Guardians of the Geekery and Two Woke Bonnets, The Cinemistress and one half of Refried Scenes on Geek Radio Daily. When she is not podcasting she is reading, writing, or crafting. If you have trouble locating her, check your local cineplex, as movie theaters are her second home. Her fandoms include all things Tolkien, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Star Wars and tea—lots of tea.

You can find her on the interwebs at guardiansofthegeekery.com, geekradiodaily.com, and twowokebonnets.com.

Billy Flynn

The Wonderful Billy Flynn brings the funny every day on Geek Radio Daily! His daytime alter ego is mild-mannered (well, that part is a stretch) radio station personality at Rejoice! Richmond in Virginia. He actually gets paid to sit on his butt and run his mouth! His edumacation is from UNC-Wilmington, the Columbia School of Broadcasting, and University of Phoenix. When he is not gracing the podcasting airways with his comedic stylings, you can find Billy Flynn on Nintendo Switch (Friend Code: 4621 8841 4224), hosting trivia nights around the Richmond area, watching movies, reading comics, or just relaxing.


The Flynnstress brings a sultry, feminine voice to Mondays on the Geek Radio Daily show. Flynnstress is originally from Maryland, and went to school at George Mason University and University of Phoenix. The Richmond, VA area is now her home. She helps teachers integrate #LifeReady skills in the classroom with inspiring ed tech. Flynnstress was not always a geek; husband, Billy Flynn, got her hooked on favorites like Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Doctor Who, and Firefly. A  former derby girl (Thistle Hurt) she now spends most of her time geeking out the next generation (her daughter MJ) or snuggled up with a book. Flynnstress also loves to travel, watches too much TV, admits to being addicted to Facebook, and is trying to save the earth, one recycled bottle of Coke at a time.

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