Tangent Artists started out as a humble webcomic company with Crit! and Skeleton Crew and over the past eighteen years delved successfully into game design, game supplements, novels and other forms of written and visual entertainment. The Guild Guide series, which started with The Handbook for Saucy Bards, explores a nutty take on classic RPG classes. Must Love Dragons inaugurated our venture into novels. Princeton Vice Presents is our foray into YouTube as horror hosts and musicians, and Princeton Plays is our once-a-month gaming livestream. We will keep coming up with ways to delight and entertain you with 100% organic creativity and our drive to put smiles on faces.
Our Crew:
Monica Marier: Artist, Writer, Possum Assistant, Composer
Dave Joria: Writer, Actor, Composer, Skull Wrangler
Rachael Hixon: Writer, Artist, Layout/publishing, Voice of Reason